6th Annual Transporters in Drug Discovery and Development: Driving Knowledge from Laboratory to Label Workshop (TDDD 2019).
This workshop will be held on August 5 - 6, 2019, at the beautiful campus of The University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy, located in Kingston, Rhode Island, USA.
To celebrate the 6th year anniversary of the workshop, our organizing committee has prepared an engaging two-day program that delivers current advancement and knowledge on the quickly evolving discipline of drug transporters from academic, industry, and regulatory perspectives. The primary learning outcome is for participants to have a solid understanding of the impact of membrane transporters in major organs in relation to drug pharmacokinetic profiles, efficacy, and toxicity. Special emphasis will be exercised on the impact of transporter mediated drug-drug interactions and pharmacogenomics on drug and xenobiotic ADME and efficacy. Based on participant feedback, this workshop will continue to foster a healthy mixture of lectures and hands-on sessions and will also include presentations from our sponsoring organizations to share recent advances in new in-vitro transporters assays. The workshop is presented by five expert instructors in the area of transporters: Angela Slitt, PhD [University of Rhode Island], Ayman El-Kattan, PhD [IFM Therapeutics], Nisanne Ghonem, PharmD, PhD [University of Rhode Island], Yurong Lai, MD, PhD [Gilead], and Manthena Varma, PhD [Pfizer]. Additionally, we are pleased to announce this year’s special guest speaker from the FDA is Dr. Lei Zhang, Deputy Director of the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Office of Research and Standards and the Office of Generic Drugs.
The TDDD workshop continues to grow each year. We have been able to bring together participants from industry, academia, and government to discuss all aspects of drug transport.
Your participation in TDDD 2019 will enrich our interaction throughout the workshop. The organizing committee looks forward to welcoming you to this scientific and social event in one of Rhode Island’s premier coastal destinations. We hope you can join us!
For registration and housing information, please visit us on the web at: web.uri.edu/cehp/transporters/ For questions about registration or sponsorship, please contact MJ Kanaczet, MEd, Director of Continuing Professional Development at The University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy, at 401.874.2615 or mj@uri.edu.
Fall Dinner Meeting
In Vitro Methods for Pharmacokinetics: What Works and What Doesn’t for Extrapolation to In Vivo Exposures?
John Wambaugh , PhD
US Environmental Protection Agency
Charles River Open House
Event Date: September 25, 2018 8:00am - September 25, 2018 2:00pm
Location: Charles River, Pathology Associates North Carolina
4025 Stirrup Creek Drive
Durham, NC 27703
The Event is Free!
Event Blurb :
Join members of the Charles River scientific and technical staff for an hour-long guided tour of the digital pathology area, immunohistochemistry lab, electron microscopy suite, specialty procedures room, and more. Limited to groups of 8 guests for an optimum experience, tours will run hourly, 8 a.m. through 2 p.m. Interaction with our staff is encouraged throughout your tour and at the concluding 30-minute Q&A session with our Site Director, Amera Remick.
Once you register, we'll contact you to choose the best time for your tour.
Charles River leads the industry in providing specialized pathology and related technologies designed to address the specific efficacy and safety needs of novel therapeutic agents. Pathology-based technologies are used to address mechanistic, cell response characterization, and issue-driven needs of a comprehensive array of therapeutic modalities and chemical classes.
Tours and Q&A Sessions: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (last tour at 3:00 p.m.)
Reception: 5-7 p.m.
More Information
Contact Caroline Tozer for more information.
Caroline Tozer
Marketing Specialist, Marketing
Charles River Laboratories
P: 978.821.9649 | M: 207.745.7790
caroline.tozer@crl.com | https://www.criver.com/
Our registration page: http://www2.criver.com/l/60962/2018-08-14/g36vr6
2017 Spring Dinner Meeting
***Please note this is a new location for this meeting! ***
The title of the meeting presentation is:
"The Vignettes of ABC Transporters"
John D. Schuetz, PhD
Member, Vice Chair
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Please see the attached flyer for additional information on cost and registration. The deadline for meeting registration is May 10th, 2017. No registrations will be accepted after this date for the purpose of catering numbers.
Poster presentations on any topic are encouraged by students/post-docs, with free registration for the presenter. First Year Grad Students can also attend at no cost. For more information, please contact Lucie Langevin or Cindy Rewerts via email (rtpdmdg.owner@rtpdmdg.org<mailto:rtpdmdg.owner@rtpdmdg.org>) with any additional questions. Let them know your intentions by May 10th,2017 to be considered for this opportunity.
Please note that we also have credit card options available for pre-registration payments only. Click on the link below. https://www.events.org/DMDGNC01/viewevent.aspx?id=107137
For payments by check, please note the address for our organization:
PO Box 13864
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
We look forward to seeing you on May 16th!
The RTP-DMDG Executive Committee
2017 Winter Symposium: "We’re not alone – our human microbiota in health, therapy and drug development".
Abstract: The resident digestive-tract microbes of humans and other mammals are collectively referred to as the gut microbiota (or “microbiome”). There is great diversity in the gut microbiota, and collectively these microbes have been referred to as an additional “organ” that influences human health, metabolism, nutrition, physiology, immune function and drug disposition. Similar to the homeostatic pressures that maintains mammalian organ systems and host health, homeostasis between the host and gut microbiota is similarly under tight control to maintain the health of each respective system. When this biochemical and physical interaction is perturbed, the host’s health is compromised. Dysbiosis has been associated with several disease states including irritable bowel syndrome, obesity and type II diabetes, and autism to name a few. Significant research has been vested to understand the broad scope of the host-microbiota symbiosis including microbial biochemical fingerprints indicative of health or disease, microbial contributions to metabolism, pharmacokinetics and toxicities of oral therapeutics, detrimental effects of antimicrobial drugs on healthy microbiota, restoration of homeostasis and health by therapeutic modulation of the microbiota, , and microbiota metabolite characterization to create novel therapeutics. Understanding the role of microbial metabolism in health, disease and drug metabolism requires diverse perspectives and novel approaches in order to ultimately impact human and mammalian health and improve therapeutic efficacy.
Registration opens at 9:00 am; cost is $85 ($45 for pre- and post-doctoral students). First year pre-doctoral students attend free of charge. Reservations will not be accepted at the door. Reservations must be made in advance by sending confirmation/payment to Lucie Langevin by email at rtpdmdg.owner@rtpdmdg.org or by mail to PO Box 13864, RTP, NC 27709.
Reservations must be received by Tuesday, February 28th; cancellations will not be accepted thereafter.
Reservations will be confirmed by return email; payment is expected unless a cancellation confirmation is received by the RTP-DMDG by Thursday, February 28th
Make checks payable to the “RTP DMDG” in advance (preferred) or at the meeting.
Credit card payments can be made at the following site at a slightly higher meeting cost, $88 ($47 for pre- and post-doctoral students)
More information and registration: https://www.events.org/DMDGNC01/viewevent.aspx?id=104913
2016 Fall Dinner Meeting: Drug Transporters and Statin Therapy: Clinical Relevance and Real-World Patient Care
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Hilton Raleigh-Durham
Research Triangle Park, NC
We are pleased to announce our next speaker:
Richard Kim, M.D.
Western University, University Hospital
London, Ontario, Canada
Presentation Title:
"Drug Transporters and Statin Therapy: Clinical Relevance and Real-World Patient Care"
*Registration, 4:30-5:00pm
*Cocktail hour & networking, 5:00 - 6:00pm
*Dinner, 6:00-7:00pm
*Presentation, 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Registration information and agenda to follow
Costs: Regular Members - $45
Students and Post Docs - $25
Advanced Credit card registration: Regular Members - $48
Students and Post Docs - $28
Poster presentations on any topic are encouraged by students/post-docs, with free registration for the presenter. First Year Grad Students can also attend at no cost. For more information, please contact Lucie Langevin or Cindy Rewerts via email (rtpdmdg.owner@rtpdmdg.org) with any additional questions. Let them know your intentions by November 2nd to be considered for this opportunity.
Please note that we also have credit card options available for pre-registration payments only. Again, see the flyer for more information or click on the link below. https://www.events.org/DMDGNC01/viewevent.aspx?id=101993
For payments by check, please note the address for our organization:
PO Box 13864
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
We look forward to seeing you on November 9th!
The RTP-DMDG Executive Committee
University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy 4th Annual Transporters in Drug Discovery and Development: Driving Knowledge from Laboratory to Label Course
The University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy announces the 4th Annual Transporters in Drug Discovery and Development: Driving Knowledge from Laboratory to Label (TDDD 2016), an intensive three-day training course in drug transport to be held August 1-3, 2016 at the University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy in Kingston, Rhode Island.
This high level workshop delivers current knowledge about drug transporters with industry perspective. TDDD2016 is presented by expert instructors in the evolving area of transporters and their impact on drug disposition and absorption. We are pleased that our program will feature an FDA expert speaker and have hands on training sessions. TDD2016 program faculty:
Ayman El-Kattan, PhD, Pfizer
Yurong Lai, M.D., PhD, Bristol Meyers Squibb
Angela Slitt, PhD, University of Rhode Island
Manthena Varma, PhD, Pfizer
Ping Zhao, PhD, Bethesda, MD
How are the workshops run?
The course is composed of lectures delivered by leading experts in the field of transporters and provides in-depth overview of various topics presented. It is also mixed with a small group exercises with an expert tutor, where students will be presented with industry relevant examples to integrate acquired knowledge.
What are the benefits?
By the end of workshop, students will understand the role of transporters in drug disposition, physicochemical properties needed for NMEs to avoid or be substrates for various transporters. Students will also learn how to interpret data generated in in vitro/in vivo settings. The course will provide a better understanding of the recent FDA and EMA regulations and how to put them in context from drug development setting. This course will also provide an overview on approaches to characterize the potential for transporters mediated drug-drug interaction using both static and dynamic mechanistic/ whole-body PBPK modeling.
Registration and program information can be found online at:
Due to generous program sponsors, a few full fellowships (registration, meals and lodging) are available. If you would like to apply for one of the fellowships, please email Dr. Angela Slitt at: angela_slitt@uri.edu<mailto:angela_slitt@uri.edu>.
2016 Gordon Research Conferences
The 21st century approach to discovering highly selective medicines and developing treatment strategies and therapeutic regimens for individual patients is undergoing revolutionary changes. Industry, academic and regulatory scientists with interests in drug metabolism, transporters, pharmacokinetics and related disciplines will gather at the 46th Drug Metabolism Gordon Research Conference to explore exciting new frontiers in the quest to achieve more precise tailoring of medicines. Young investigators, including postdoctoral fellows and graduate students, will interact with academic and industry thought leaders in an informal setting. The collegial nature of this conference, and the opportunity to learn, discuss unpublished research, share ideas, and establish collaborations, have made this venue a favorite in the drug metabolism community. The 2016 conference will focus on transformative approaches in the discovery and development of targeted therapies for inherited and acquired diseases, and advances in assessing disease treatment and predicting optimal therapy and regimens from a DMPK perspective. Sessions will include advances in endogenous biomarkers, orphan P450s, designing targeted covalent inhibitors, drug transporters, pharmacokinetic strategies, renal models, and challenges in the precision medicine era. Each presentation will include unpublished data and expert opinions to stimulate audience discussion. Attendees are encouraged to submit posters. The Wednesday evening program features oral presentations by young investigators selected from the submitted posters. With scientific sessions in the mornings and evenings, the afternoons are set aside for attendees to enjoy the many outdoor recreational activities in the New Hampshire area. Afternoon "traditions" of this conference include an Academia vs. Industry softball game (no experience necessary!), and hiking and kayaking/canoeing outings in the White Mountains. The registration fee includes all meals and housing on the picturesque Holderness School campus. We hope that you will join us for an outstanding meeting focused on rapidly advancing frontiers in drug metabolism science as we deliver on the promise of precision medicine!
Applications for this meeting must be submitted by June 12, 2016. Please apply early, as some meetings become oversubscribed (full) before this deadline. If the meeting is oversubscribed, it will be stated here. Note: Applications for oversubscribed meetings will only be considered by the Conference Chair if more seats become available due to cancellations.
More Information can be found on the website: http://www.grc.org/programs.aspx?id=11187
2016 Spring Meeting: A Proposed Scientific Rationale to Define the IC50 Cutoff for Transporters Associated with DILI
We are pleased to announce our next speaker:
Cindy Xia, Ph.D.
Director, Takeda Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Presentation Title: "A Proposed Scientific Rationale to Define the IC50 Cutoff for Transporters Associated with DILI?”
*Registration, 4:30-5:00pm
*Cocktail hour & networking, 5:00 - 6:00pm
Dinner, 6:00-7:00pm
Presentation, 7:00pm – 8:00pm
Registration Advanced Credit Card Registration
Regular Members - $45 Regular Members - $48
Students and Post Docs - $25 Students and Post Docs - $28
Registration opens at 4:30 pm; cost is $45 ($25 for pre- and post-doctoral students). First year pre-doctoral
students attend free of charge. Reservations will not be accepted at the door. Reservations must be made in
advance by sending confirmation/payment to Judy Nicholson by email at rtpdmdg.owner@rtpdmdg.org or by mail to PO Box 13864, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709.
Reservations must be received by Tuesday, June 7, 2016; cancellations will not be accepted. Reservations will be confirmed by return email; payment is expected unless a cancellation notice is received by the RTP-DMDG by Tuesday, June 7
Posters are solicited for presentation during the networking opportunity. A limited number of posters will be accepted, with free registration for student presenters. For more information, please contact Judy Nicholson at rtpdmdg.owner@rtpdmdg.org
Make checks payable to the “RTP DMDG” in advance (preferred) or at the meeting. Credit card payments can now be made at the following site at a slightly higher meeting cost prior to the meeting only – credit cards cannot be accepted at the meeting,
oRegular member - $48 ($28 for pre- and post-doctoral students)

2015 Fall Dinner Meeting
“Systems Pharmacology Modeling to Predict Drug-Induced Liver Injury - Hype or Hope”
Save the date for a lecture by a local favorite: Dr. Kim Brouwer of the UNC School of Pharmacy (link).
2015 Spring Dinner Meeting
Bernard Munos
"Blockbusters on a Repeated Basis: Plausible or Delusional"
Join us for a provocative lecture about the predictability and value of pharmaceutical research and development.
Bernard Munos is the founder of the InnoThink Center for Research in Biomedical Innovation, a consultancy that helps biomedical research organizations become better innovators. Before that, he served as an advisor for corporate strategy at Eli Lilly, where he focused on disruptive innovation and the radical redesign of R&D. He is also a Senior Fellow at FasterCures, a center of the Milken Institute, a member of NCATS’ Advisory Council and Cures Acceleration Network Review Board, a non-executive Director of Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, a member of the Advisory Board of Science Translational Medicine, and an Advisor to or Board member of a dozen other companies or publicly-financed research organizations. His research has been profiled by Forbes magazine; he blogs about biomedical innovation on the Forbes website; and the popular industry newsletter FiercePharma named him one of the 25 most influential people in biopharma. He received his MBA from Stanford University, and holds other graduate degrees in animal science and agricultural economics from the Paris Institute of Technology for Life, Food and Environmental Sciences and the University of California, Davis.
Click here to register online or email rtpdmdg.owner@rtpdmdg.org.
2015 RTP DMDG Winter Symposium: “Drug-Drug Interactions: What We Do and What Value it Adds”
The 2015 Winter Symposium, “Drug-Drug Interactions: What We Do and What Value it Adds” will be held February 19, 2015 at The Solutions Center in Research Triangle Park, NC. The draft program features several scientific leaders who will present key innovations and case studies covering pre-clinical and clinical approaches and predictive strategies to provide informative data earlier to reduce later risk in drug discovery and development programs.
Gerald Miwa, PhD: Topic Introduction
Christopher C. MacLauchlin, PhD - GSK: “Mechanisms of DDI and Preclinical Options”
Karen Rowland Yeo, PhD - Simcyp Limited (part of Certara): “How Do We Translate Preclinical and Clinical Research Into Labeling?”
Daniele Ouellet, PhD - GSK: “Drug-Drug Interactions – A Clinical Development Perspective”
Amanda H. Corbett, PharmD, BCPS, FCCP - UNC: “How Do We Use Drug Drug Interaction Information in the Clinical Setting?”
Keynote Speaker: Lawrence J. Lesko, PhD, FCP: “Are We Getting the Best Return on Investment from DDI Studies?”
Online Meeting Registration or
email: rtpdmdg.owner@rtpdmdg.org
Students and post-doctoral research associates: Submit your original research posters for presentation during the Symposium! This is a great way to gain visibility and to network with the community! The subject matter of posters need not be related to the Symposium topic. Travel awards of $500 and $250 will be awarded to two presenters of eligible posters (submission information and details).
Are you a company or vendor wishing to network with our members? Opportunities for sponsorship of the RTP DMDG and a display booth at our Winter Symposium are available. Contact cathrineleonowens@rtpdmdg.org or rtpdmdg.owner@rtpdmdg.org for more information.
2014 Fall Meeting
“Dermatology: It’s not just about plasma concentrations”
Virginia (Ginny) D. Schmith, Ph.D., FCP
Senior Director, Clinical Pharmacology Modelling and Simulation
GlaxoSmithKline, RTP, North Carolina
Registration, 4:30 – 5:00 pm
Cocktail hour & networking, 5:00 – 6:00 pm
Dinner, 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Presentation, 7:00pm – 8:00 pm
**For Students and Post-docs only: Meet the Speaker, 4:00-5:00 pm
For more information and to register, visit http://www.events.org/cpage.aspx?e=78423
Poster presentations on any topic are encouraged by students/post-docs, with free registration for the presenter. For more information, please contact Cindy Rewerts via email (rtpdmdg.owner@rtpdmdg.org) with any additional questions. Let Cindy know your intentions by October 21st to be considered for this opportunity.
Please register by October 23rd by
- Visiting http://www.events.org/cpage.aspx?e=78423
- Registering by email (rtpdmdg.owner@rtpdmdg.org) and mailing payment by check to RTP-DMDG, PO Box 13864, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Inaugural ISoP Dinner Meeting
“Model-Based Methods for Implementing Study Designs Based on Enrichment Strategies” - Dr. Roberto Gomeni
An abstract for the seminar and registration information for the event may be found on the ISoP website at http://www.go-isop.org/educational-events-and-conferences. The cost of this event to the general public is $55 for the talk+dinner and $30 if only attending the talk. ISoP members receive a $5 discount off these rates, and students receive an additional $10 discount.
The Research Triangle Park Regional International Society of Pharmacometrics (ISoP) is an independent organization from the RTP DMDG. This event has been posted by the RTP DMDG because we believe our members will find this organization interesting. You can find out more by visiting http://www.go-isop.org/