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University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy 4th Annual Transporters in Drug Discovery and Development: Driving Knowledge from Laboratory to Label Course

The University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy announces the 4th Annual Transporters in Drug Discovery and Development: Driving Knowledge from Laboratory to Label (TDDD 2016), an intensive three-day training course in drug transport to be held August 1-3, 2016 at the University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy in Kingston, Rhode Island.
This high level workshop delivers current knowledge about drug transporters with industry perspective.  TDDD2016 is presented by expert instructors in the evolving area of transporters and their impact on drug disposition and absorption. We are pleased that our program will feature an FDA expert speaker and have hands on training sessions.  TDD2016 program faculty:
Ayman El-Kattan, PhD, Pfizer
Yurong Lai, M.D., PhD, Bristol Meyers Squibb
Angela Slitt, PhD, University of Rhode Island
Manthena Varma, PhD, Pfizer
Ping Zhao, PhD, Bethesda, MD

How are the workshops run?
The course is composed of lectures delivered by leading experts in the field of transporters and provides in-depth overview of various topics presented. It is also mixed with a small group exercises with an expert tutor, where students will be presented with industry relevant examples to integrate acquired knowledge.

What are the benefits?
By the end of workshop, students will understand the role of transporters in drug disposition, physicochemical properties needed for NMEs to avoid or be substrates for various transporters. Students will also learn how to interpret data generated in in vitro/in vivo settings. The course will provide a better understanding of the recent FDA and EMA regulations and how to put them in context from drug development setting. This course will also provide an overview on approaches to characterize the potential for transporters mediated drug-drug interaction using both static and dynamic mechanistic/ whole-body PBPK modeling.

Registration and program information can be found online at:

Due to generous program sponsors, a few full fellowships (registration, meals and lodging) are available. If you would like to apply for one of the fellowships, please email Dr. Angela Slitt at:<>.